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Pelot, Pierre

Entry updated 15 April 2024. Tagged: Author.

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Main pseudonym of French author Pierre Grosdemange (1945-    ), prolific from the 1960s under this and other names including Pierre Suragne and Pierre Carbonari; he was first known for Westerns, in particular the Dylan Stark sequence [not listed below], though sf soon began to dominate his output; his first sf novel was La Septième Saison ["The Seventh Season"] (1972) as by Pierre Suragne in the publisher's Anticipation series. The tale marks from the first Pelot's often transgressive alertness to issues of late capitalism, Pollution, and increasingly Climate Change as a Disaster created by Homo sapiens. Out of perhaps 200 novels in all genres published until 2018, when he announced his retirement, only two have been translated into English: L'Enfant qui marchait sur le ciel (1972) and Mais si les papillons trichent (1974), both as by Pierre Suragne, appearing together as The Child Who Walked on the Sky / But What If Butterflies Cheat? (omni trans Michael Shreve 2012). The first is a Bildungsroman whose eight-year old protagonist embarks on a Fantastic Voyage through space from one world to another to gain some truth about himself; the second, very clearly written in homage to the work of Philip K Dick, depicts a Near Future America on Dystopian lines where Aliens are establishing, through conspicuously Dickian characters, some form of Communication.

Much of Pelot's additional work focused Satirically on the toxic complacencies of the governments of the world, though his knowledgeable trawls through the SF Megatext for structures to employ could conceal the underlying thrust of his mind at work. [JC]

Pierre Grosdemange

born Saint-Maurice-sur-Moselle, Vosges, France: 13 November 1945

works (selected)


Récits d'anticipation ["Tales of Anticipation"]

  • La Septième Saison ["The Seventh Season"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1972) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Mal lergo le dernier ["Mal lergo the Last"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1972) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • L'Enfant qui marchait sur le ciel ["The Child Who Walked on the Sky"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1972) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
    • The Child Who Walked on the Sky / But What If Butterflies Cheat? (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [omni: trans by Michael Shreve of the first title above plus Mais si les papillons trichent below: pb/Adam Tredowski]
  • La Nef des dieux ["The Nave of the Gods"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Mecanic Jungle (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Et puis le loups viendront ["And Then the Wolves Will Come"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Mais si les papillons trichent ["But What if Butterflies Cheat"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1974) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Le Dieu truqué ["The Rigged God"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1974) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Ballade pour presque un homme ["Ballad for Almost a Man"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1974) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Une si profonde nuit ["So Profound a Night"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1975) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Vendredi, par exemple ... ["Friday, for Example ..."] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1975) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • La Cité au bout de l'espace ["The City at the End of Space"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1977) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Virgules téléguidées ["Unmanned Commas"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1979) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]
  • Dérapages ["Slippages"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1980) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Récits d'anticipation: pb/]

Récits fantastiques ["Fantastic Tales"]

  • La Peau de l'orage ["The Skin of the Storm"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Angoisse series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]
  • Duz (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Angoisse series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]
  • Je suis la brume ["I Am the Mist"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Angoisse series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]
  • Suicide (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1974) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Horizons de l'Au-delà series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]
  • Brouillards ["Mists"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1975) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Horizons de l'Au-delà series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]
  • Elle était une fois ["Once Upon a Time"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1976) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Horizons de l'Au-delà series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]
  • Le Septième Vivant ["The Seventh Living"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) as by Pierre Suragne [in the publisher's Horizons de l'Au-delà series: Récits fantastiques: pb/Michel Gourdon]

Les Hommes sans futur ["Men Without a Future"]

  • Les Mangeurs d'argile ["The City Eaters"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1981) [Hommes sans futur: illus/pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Saison derouille ["Rust Season"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1982) [Hommes sans futur: illus/pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Soleils hurlants ["Howling Suns"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1983) [Hommes sans futur: illus/pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Le Père de feu ["Father of the Late"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1984) [Hommes sans futur: illus/pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Le chien courait sur l'autoroute en criant son nom ["The Dog Was Running on the Highway Shouting His Name"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1984) [Hommes sans futur: illus/pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Le chasseur-là ["This Hunter"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1985) [Hommes sans futur: illus/pb/Wojtek Siudmak]

Chromagnon Z

  • Paradis zéro ["Zero Paradise"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Chromagnon Z: pb/]
  • Le Bruit des autres ["The Noise of Others"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1985) [the publisher's Anticipation series: Chromagnon Z: pb/]
  • Les Passagers du mirage ["The Passengers of the Mirage"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1985) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Chromagnon Z: pb/]
  • Les Conquérants immobiles ["The Immobile Conquerors"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Chromagnon Z: pb/]

La Ballade Tony Burden ["The Ballad of Tony Burden"]

La Raconteurs de nulle part ["Storytellers from Nowhere"]

  • Le Présent du fou ["The Presence of the Drunk"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Raconteurs de nulle part: pb/]
  • Les Forains du bord du gouffre ["The Fairground at the Edge of the Abyss"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Raconteurs de nulle part: pb/]
  • Le Ciel sous la pierre ["Heaven under the Stone"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Raconteurs de nulle part: pb/]
  • Les Faucheurs du temps ["The Reapers of Time"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Raconteurs de nulle part: pb/]

Konnar et compagnie ["Konnar and Company"]

individual titles

  • Une autre terre ["Another Land"] (Paris: Éditions de l'Amitié, 1972) [in the publisher's Jeunesse Poche-Anticipation: pb/Claude Auclair]
  • L'Île aux enragés ["The Enraged Island"] (Paris: Éditions de l'Amitié, 1973) [in the publisher's Jeunesse Poche-Anticipation: pb/Claude Auclair]
  • Les Légendes de terre ["Legends of Earth"] (Paris: Editions G P, 1973) [in the publisher's Olympic series: pb/Jean Retailleau]
  • Le Pays des rivières sans nom ["The Land of Unnamed Rivers"] (Paris: Editions G P, 1973) [in the publisher's Spirale series: pb/Jacques Pecnard]
  • Les Barreaux de l'eden ["The Bars of Eden"] (Paris: J'ai Lu, 1977) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Foetus-Party (Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1977) [in the publisher's Présence du futur series: pb/Stéphane Dumont]
  • Le Sourire des crabes ["The Smile of Crabs"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1977) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Delirium Circus (Paris: J'ai Lu, 1977) [pb/Tibor Csernus]
  • Canyon Street (Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1978) [in the publisher's Présence du futur series: pb/Stéphane Dumont]
  • Le Sommeil du chien ["The Dog's Sleep"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1978) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • La Rage dans le troupeau ["Rabies in the Herd"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1979) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • La Guerre olympique ["Olympic War"] (Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1980) [in the publisher's Présence du futur series: pb/Stéphane Dumont]
  • Parabellum tango (Paris: J'ai Lu, 1977) [pb/Caza]
  • Le Ciel bleu d'Irockee ["The Blue Sky By Irockee"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1980) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Kid Jésus (Paris: J'ai Lu, 1980) [pb/Caza]
  • Les Îles du vacarme ["The Clash Islands"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1981) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Les Pieds dans la tête ["Feet in the Head"] (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1982) [in the publisher's Dimensions SF series: pb/]
  • Nos armes sont de miel ["Our Weapons Are Honey"] (Paris: J'ai Lu, 1982) [pb/]
  • Mourir au hasard ["Die at Random"] (Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1982) [in the publisher's Présence du futur series: pb/Stéphane Dumont]
  • La Foudre au ralenti ["Lightning in Slow Motion"] (Paris: J'ai Lu, 1983) [pb/Boris]
  • Fou dans la tête de Nazi Jones, Belladone et compagnie ["Madness in the Head of Nazi Jones, Belladonna and Company"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: pb/]
  • La Nuit du Sagittaire ["The Night of Sagittarius"] (Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1990) [pb/Wojtek Siudmak]
  • Messager des tempêtes lointaines ["Messenger of Distant Storms"] (Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1996) [in the publisher's Présence du futur series: pb/Caza]


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